Thailand - Day 06 - Thursday

Today is a travel day; 7+ hours in the van from Kanachaburi to Sukhothai. We ate breakfast at the camp hotel one more time and then checked out.

We traveled very far for many km during the day. We stopped at many gas stations and rest stops for breaks, snacks, and to stretch our legs.

Waza bought us some strange nuts, that looked like water buffalo’s heads, which were very hard to open, but tasty inside.

She also bought so many other snacks we cannot eat anymore. I have declared I’m full for the next few days.

Every once and a while we will just stop for fun at a roadside market and see the local warez, food, and chat with the local people. No one speaks English, so Waza translates for us.

For lunch we stopped at a local town Sam Chuey ?? (sp) and walked the local market first. This was a very typical local market with everything you could think of. Waza gave us samples of what she thought was safe to eat, and yummy. We ate Pork meat balls, some kind of jelly fruit balls, banana chips, fried bananas with sesame.

Then it was time for lunch, when we were already full! We didn’t really want to eat at all, but Waza took us into a restaurant that seemed more upscale for the food market, since it had AC. We ate several kinds of noodle soups. Wide flat noodles with pork and veggies. Small flat yellow noodles with pork meat…. and pork blood cubes… which we didn’t eat, but I recognized it from some other food videos I’ve watched.

After lunch we walked the market some more and then found the Van, for which we took a nap after lunch.

During the drive there was some traffic and people sell snacks to people sitting in traffic. So of course Waza bought some “traffic donuts” which were very very good; almost like Krispy Kremes. But the extra food did not sit well. Becoming aware of how much food we have been eating in an uncomfortable way.

After a bit more driving we have arrived at our new hotel, in Sukhothai, Thailand. We are staying at Legendha Resort, which is next to some of the old ancient templates. The pool is very nice and Aiden went swimming while Chrissy and I got some drinks near the bar after smothering ourselves in mosquito spray. Aiden counted the lizards on the walls, maybe 15+ at one time.

After swimming we got ready for DINNER. MORE FOOD. CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE. They brought out no less than 5 dishes, rice, and soup. I literally took one bite of each thing, and felt so bad because it was very very good food. Tomorrow I’m not eating anything.

There was an interpretive dance during dinner which was neat, but Aiden was falling asleep during dinner, so we left, and said goodnight to Waza, and will meet her for BREAKFAST in the morning. Which I will likely not eat, since I’m so full.

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